
The Romantic Holiday is Coming!

The Romantic Holiday is Coming!

Valentine’s Day is this month! Eek! This is one of my favorite times of the year because everyone is talking about the romance genre. Here are 8 quotes to prepare you for this loving holiday.

The Twilight Series: The Ultimate Romance?

The Twilight Series: The Ultimate Romance?

The Twilight series is the ultimate romance novel series. There I said it. Well, wrote it.

The Twilight series is the ultimate romance novel series. There I said it. Well, wrote it. Now, I am not addressing the content. I am not Edward coming in through Bella’s window to watch her sleep. I am not saying Edward and Bella’s baby falling in love with her almost-second boyfriend was normal. And I am not saying it deserved to win an Oscar. But I am saying that the series depicts the romance genre beautifully.

Tessa Dare Quotes | Interview

Tessa Dare Quotes | Interview

I am so excited to share this post with you. At Book Lover’s Con, I had the absolute honor and privilege of interviewing Tessa Dare. She is a forever favorite of mine. Enjoy some quotes from my YouTube interview with Tessa Dare.

How I BookTube (Part Two): Editing and Uploading

How I BookTube (Part Two): Editing and Uploading

Hello Loves! Welcome to my bookish corner of the Internet! Today, I thought I would talk about my booktubing editing process.

How I BookTube (Part One): Filming My Videos

How I BookTube (Part One): Filming My Videos

One of my first blog posts on my website was about how I BookTube. But that was almost two years ago now. Wow. That seems like a long time ago. Things change. Plus, I wanted to expand upon what I originally wrote. Welcome to my behind-the-scenes BookTube tell all.

My First RWA Experience

My First RWA Experience

This year I went to my first RWA conference. YAY! I had so much fun and I met so many amazing people. Seriously, everyone I met was so nice and sweet. I’m beyond glad I went.