author quotes

50 Quotes for Writers by Writers

50 Quotes for Writers by Writers

Happy New Year! For every writer making the resolution to get their words on the page this 2022, here are 50 quotes to inspire and motivate you.

50 Quotes by Writers for Writers

50 Quotes by Writers for Writers

I made 50, yes, 50 images featuring quotes by writers for writers. Only other writers understand writers. I hope this blog post makes you feel understood, optimistic, and ready to get your words on the page!

50 Quotes by Writers for Writers

50 Quotes by Writers for Writers

I hope you are getting your words on the page and making progress with your stories. To help inspire you and let you know that you are not alone in your writing journey, I took 50 quotes by published authors and turned them into Twitter sized images. Enjoy!

17 writing quotes

17 writing quotes

I hope you are feeling creative. Your characters are speaking to you. Your fictional world is drawing its’ own map. Most of all, I hope that your stories are solidifying and those well-thought out words are about to be transcribed to the page. You can and will write your novel. You’ve totally got this. To help keep you motivated and inspired, I created 17 additional images featuring some of my favorite quotes on writing.

10 Inspirational Writing Quotes

10 Inspirational Writing Quotes

10 Inspirational Quotes About Writing to Get You Working On Your Own Story!