Sleuther Surprise Reveal

Hello Sleuthers! When y’all DM and email me, I take your suggestions to heart and think about how to best answer your requests. Well, I made a decision to try to make your cozy bookish dreams come true.


IGTV Live: ML Erdahl

10:00 to 11:00 AM EST: Author Chat on Twitter with Maggie Blackburn/Mollie Cox Bryan, Carol Ayer, Tamara Lush, & Vivian Conroy

5:00 to 8:00 pM EST: Twitter Reading Sprints with Astoria Wright

8:00 to 9:00 PM EST: Author Chat on Twitter with Dana Mentink, Cornelius Peter, Kelly Brakenhoff, & Lee Hollis


I love sending bookish mail to sleuthers. When people post their reveals, my heart gets the warm fuzzies. If someone posts a photo of our book club read of the month, I mail some cozy swag their way. Unfortunately, I can only mail to U.S. and Canada (since they also accept forever stamps) since I pay for everything myself.
I created aspecial link for international sleuthers over on my personal website; if an international sleuther posts a photo of our monthly read, I share the page's password. They can then access it at their leisure. I uploaded a dozen unique bookmark designs and a couple additional extras (such as adult coloring pages designed by graphic artists, clip art I created, and images designed in procreate). None of these extras are posted anywhere else. All of the content is special to that page. However, some of y'all asked about still getting the photographed bookmarks (that I've been sending out) mailed internationally.

The Cozy Mystery Book Club isn't a business, I don't make any money from the swag I share and create. I made it so that the Zazzle and Society 6 stores charge the lowest amounts possible. If any money is made, I put it right back into the club (such as giveaways, swag, postage, keeping the website active since that costs money too, etc.) I invest way (way) more than I make. But to make your international bookmark dreams come true, I created an Etsy store (CozyMysteryBookClub) with one item for sale (the #sleuther bookmark). You can check out the page here: ETSY LINK

The bookmarks are priced at $1.99 and then shipping is added on at checkout. Etsy charges twenty cents per listing and takes a percentage. I am explicitly telling y'all **only purchase one bookmark** because I will send at least three additional ones your way; that's four #sleuther bookmarks in total. In addition to the bookmarks, I will include some book club swag such as stickers (of Purrlock and MoriarTEA), vinyl decals, and buttons in the same envelope. Essentially, anyone who places an order will break even, if not make out a little bit better. I'mnotmaking a profit nor do I intend to make a profit in the future. I plan on stuffing those mailers to the brim with cozy extras and awesomeness.

The only reason I created an Etsy page was so that the shipping was handled by a legitimate source. I did not want to have any issues such as sending the swag and not having received the shipping cost or having tech issues with paypal/technology (if I wanted to use paypal and the sleuther wanted to use another source) etc. Plus, different locations cost different amounts. Etsy is able to get great shipping deals across locations due to their prominence and generates the shipping label that will be used. To me, this seemed like the most efficient method. Please do not feel pressured to purchase a bookmark. This was my answer to the international sleuther bookmark dilemma. ENJOY!