Angela Maria Hart

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What I Learned Writing *ALL* Day


1. Writing is stressful.

2. But, it is also *super* fun.

3. Coffee is necessary.

4. Writing comes and goes. One hour I can produce over a thousand words. Other times, not so much.

5. Know where your local Starbucks is. 

6. Breaks are key.

7. Enjoy the experience. 

8. Know what you want to write beforehand.

9. Get your errands done the day before.

10. Have your laptop recharger nearby.

11. Keep a fresh pot of coffee on.

12. Leaving the phone in another room can be helpful to eliminate the need to check emails or social media.

13. Dogs are the best kind of distraction. Puppy cuteness makes writing breaks much more enjoyable.

14. Eat healthy snacks (and avoid extra sugar, since it is already in the coffee). Vitamins in the morning are also an excellent idea.

15. No matter what, always get back to writing! Breaks are just that, breaks; they are not the end of the day. Don’t let breaks go longer than necessary.

There is always more writing to be done.

Please get those words on the page. I can’t wait to read your stories!

All the Best,
